UPDATE: Good news I'm gonna hace a part in the ONE LAYER collab.
I've got an audio submission go check it out.
And I've joined the Skate Flash Club.
First of all I want to thank everyone that responded to my PM me post, exactly 2 people, and counting lol, except for smps that gave me a lot of crap (wich is ok 'cause he's my friend)
And now for the people who think I don't do anything for this site WELL I TELL YOU THIS I do!
Just not very much, but lets see: I came up with the idea for making the [ice cold fighters] banner that has nothing to do with the site its a counter strike clan my friend made up and I vote pretty much as often as I can.
Which brings me to another subject ,It's like this I just don't vote more 'cause of my computer (yes that's my computer ;] ) wich I think should be evry week's turd of the week (doesn't matter if it's not a flash it's the worlds biggest turd) or maybe creating a new category would be good ,something like "THE MOST FUCKING RETARDED SHIT EVER".
And further more I almost tore my ankle ligaments off skateboarding, and now I've lost some of my skills.
Now who the fuck's with me?
PS:It would be great if people continued to reply to my PM me post.
Have a friggin' nice freakin' day.
2 people replied to your PM post and counting : Lol
My computer is the bigest turd of the week : Lol
I almost tore my ligaments off skateboarding : Lol
Have a friggin' nice freakin' day . : Lol
Well that post was funny !
Especially about your computer : D
Hey glad you liked it.